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  • e-Connect and EL.MO. P2P server

e-Connect and EL.MO. P2P server

Simplicity of configurationĀ has never been easier
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The process initiated with InstaVision release is reaching its apex with the emission of new, high performing DVRs/NVRs based on EL.MO. advanced P2P server. This devices differ by the ability to access e-Connect cloud platform potentials and efficiency:


Synchronization of devices

P2P function offers the possibility to register video recorders to e-Connect service simply with QR codes, thus ensuring a quick procedure and no need for complicated routers setup.

All apps associated to the same e-Connect account will be granted automatically the availability of the system complete configuration, with no other procedures required. Moreover, access profiles will be differentiated in order to protect end users images privacy.



Property P2P server

EL.MO. full propriety of P2P server means complete control of such functions, in terms of both security and service continuity, ensuring a high-profile protection to its end-users, without compromise. This means, for example, immediacy in management of future introductions of blocks, filters etc., which is not guaranteed by third-party servers.


Watch the video about EL.MO. P2P server potentials.

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Products release info

In order to benefit e-Connect recent features is necessary the 1.2.6 firmware update:

  • New devices are already updated and marked with the P2P e-Connect stamp.  P2P e-Connect.png
  • Previous products must be upgraded separately. 


For further information please contact us at: international@elmospa.com


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