BLADE is a wired volumetric dual technology detector (MW + IR) with curtain protection and 4 mt range with high performance that offer compact dimensions and a low profile. The detector, depending on the needs, can be mounted in vertical or horizontal position and between doors/windows and shutters/rollup shutters.
The vertical aperture beam of only 15 degrees ensure extreme precision reducing the risk of false alarms to cover only the areas to be protected without extending beams to surrounding environments.
BLADE uses a digital passive IR sensor and a 24GHz MW section equipped with DRO planar antenna with small size. The detector is also equipped with anti-blinding and double anti-mask (DAM) device.
MW |
IR |
Wireless |
Filter |
Front lights |
Functions |
Housing |
Operating temperature/weight |
Dimensions/weight |
Power consumption |
Power supply |
Performance level |
Standards |
344.45 KB
Depliant dei sensori per finestre, porte, scuri e tapparelle serie BLADE
344.45 KB
Brochure of BLADE series detectors for doors and windows protection
3688.43 KB
Brochure della gamma di sensori antintrusione EL.MO.